Monday, July 19, 2010

Post No. 9, Chapters 15 and 16

Chapter 15, Looking Out for Each Other

What a great chapter title! I like it…and so how can we start helping one another? Beth says and I so agree...that security can be contagious. Yes! And so let’s go for it.

Number 1- STOP MAKING COMPARISONS, We can admire a woman without subtracting from ourselves. We are going to start catching ourselves in the act of comparison and call ourselves out. Each of us is an original! (smile)

Number 2- START PERSONALIZING OTHER WOMEN, If we view potential contenders as equally broken people with real problems, pains, hopes, dreams and disappointments, we will have taken the first step toward unraveling a rivalry.

Number 3 –DON’T TRIP ANOTHER WOMAN’S INSECURITY SWITCH, Beth says when we can’t decide if our sensitivity is helping a friend or hurting them: the goal in our female relationships should be to encourage another’s security-not enable one another’s insecurity! If we simply help each other stay chronically insecure, we have accomplished nothing!

Number 4- WE MUST BE EXAMPLES OF SECURE WOMEN, Most women will never believe that a secure woman is a real, live possibility until they see one face- to-face. Problem-to-problem. Threat-to-threat. Chase-to-grace. We can each be an example in our sphere of influence. Don’t you love these thoughts? Each one of us created to be exceptional!

I was happy to see I had “accidently” chosen these two chapters to comment on…Chapter 15 was full of guidelines and good helps, to challenge us to move from insecurity to security… and I go for that! For only a little while, do I want to talk and think about the insecure parts of my life and then I want to be lifted and set free and see others set free. So, I like that Beth outlined some good steps for us to take to move forward to wholeness and freedom in our Lord and in our relationships.

My life has been blessed by exceptional women. Most I have met, through the years, in Bible study groups and in my church. The reason they are exceptional is because they know their Treasure is in Jesus Christ and their confidence is in Him. May we all say, “How lovely is your dwelling place, O LORD Almighty!”

Chapter 16, A Passion to Look Past Ourselves

This title is a challenge. How easy for me to fall into self absorption and so this made me examine my own heart over and over. I like Beth’s paragraph on page 310, “Christ, the Author of life more abundant, taught something totally different. He showed us that giving, rather than getting, is the means to receiving . …to find yourself, your true, secure self, you must lose yourself in something larger.” How easy it is for me to be comfortable, but yet I question the LORD /ask the LORD about “larger purpose” and at the same time hold back and resist.

It is so true as Beth says “we are surrounded by a superficial world making deceptive claims” and this can be a painful thought. O LORD, may I pursue a life of purpose. Show me the way to go.

~AS I close, DEAR BLOG GIRLS, I pray this for each of you, dear ones…LORD, guide them always; satisfy their needs in a sun scorched land and strengthen their frames. May each one be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. Isaiah 58:11

Blessings to all,


(Jean Hueser is a wife, mother, and grandmother, who lives in Kearney, NE. Jean is a friend, mentor and so much more to me and many others. You see, for those who do not know, Jean is our rock star leader of our Sonrise Bible Study that has around 40 moms attending. She loves us each so individually and is a genuine example for us. With phone calls or just a "how are you?", she really cares. Thank you, Jean, for all you do.)


  1. Oh Dear Jean!! How I miss you. You really have an amazing gift with us women. I hope you realize the encouragement, faith and hope you instill in each of us. Reading your comments on this chapter are just what I needed after my frustrating day. :) LOVE to all my kearney ladies!!!

  2. Thank you so much Jean! I also loved reading some guidelines to help us along the way. It's amazing to me the difference these guidelines and just reading this book has made in my life already. When I start sensing that feeling of insecurity I now catch myself and try to turn my thinking around.

    Oh, does looking past myself hit close to home! I can sometimes get lost in my own busyness and responsibilities and lose sight of what others are going through around me.

    Thank you Jean for all you do for us and I can't wait to meet with everyone in person again this fall.

  3. "Insecurity robs of us rich woman to woman relationships." (277) I loved that line. It is so true. We make other women our competitors without ever meeting them. What a conviction! I need to stop judging from outward appearances and make an attempt to get to know the women around me. I loved the steps Beth gave us to help each other out...and the encouragement that my security is mine to keep. Don't give it away! Didn't you just laugh when she talked about bad math on pg 283?! And I loved her challenge to pray for the woman who has hurt me. It's difficult to hang on to resentment when you pray for that person. And some profound yet simple words on page 287: just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Amen! A lesson in self control and restraint maybe?! I was created to be exceptional! Ch. 16 was awesome, too. Such a wonderful call to lose the self-centeredness and focus on others. This has been on my heart as a Mom lately. I have to give my children my time and attention so I can reach their hearts.

  4. I have loved thinking through these points and stopping myself from making comparisons and getting bummed out because I may not be talented or have this or such and such. I also love the responsibility we are entrusted with as God fearing women to help girls overcome their insecurity before it overcomes them. Yes, Jean, let's be purposeful!
