Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Chapter Schedule

For those of you who still want to join, it's not to late! We will be reading through So Long Insecurity, You've Been a Bad Friend, by Beth Moore this summer. I've asked people to take a chapter or two and write their thoughts so I can post different thoughts of what people have after reading the chapters. We all will have the chance to add a comment after the post, but if you would like to take a chapter or two, there are some spots that need to be filled. We will start to post on Monday, May 24. Here's where we are so far:

May 24, Chapters 1 and 2-Karla Steele

May 31, Chapters 3 and 4-Sherri Peterson

June 7, Chapters 5-Ashley Margiritz

June 14,Chapters 6 and 7-Mandy King

June 21, Chapters 8 and 9-Cristina Wright

June 28, Chapters 10 and 11-Beth Brodine

July 5, Chapters 12-Mary Schanbaucher

July 12, Chapters 13 and 14-Amber Kimball

July 19, Chapters 15 and 16-Jean Hueser

July 26, Chapters 17 and 18-Laura Ritterbush

It's not too late to sign up and it is so easy. Become a follower and leave a comment. We want to know your name, where you are from, and something interesting about yourself. Hope you can be a part of the study!


  1. Yes, we will be reading the first two chapters by May 24. The first post will be posted on the 24th regarding one and two.

  2. Karla..just signed in, what else should I do? If no has chosen chapters 15 & 16 on July 19 , I can try for those.:)

  3. Great! Thanks Jean and thanks to Mary S. for taking a chapter! Jean, if you want, you can tell us where you live and something about yourself.

  4. I can take Chapters 17 & 18 Karla:) I posted this on a note on facebook, so I'm hoping other people will join!

  5. I don't know what you are looking for as far as people taking chapters, but I can take two of those you have left and I will figure out what you're envisioning between now and July! Let me know.

  6. We filled in the schedule! Thanks for helping everyone!

  7. I just figured out how to do this, but I'm too late for a chapter! If someone wants to give me one of their's I'd be more than happy to take it!!

  8. I just got signed up to follow this blog and my book should be delivered today or tomorrow. I can't wait to tear into it. The simulcast was so good!

  9. Angie, you can take one of my chapters. How about chapter 9?

  10. it may be too late...but I just saw this book club for a book that was on my "book list" of reading this summer. I would love to join you all! And ....I wouldn't mind adding a comment on a chapter or ? Please just let me know.

    Ann in the cornfields.
